I realised today it has been quite a while since I have done a review! So I have decided to do a review for you today, I thought I should do it on Benefit - Hoola Boxed Powder, because well it's important to find a good bronzer and this is one of the best I have found and this is what I think about it...
Product -
This bronzer is mid-toned brown and is also matt meaning that it is great for contouring. Since I'm not great at describing things I'll leave it to the professionals and here is the product description from the Benefit website - "Dust this soft bronze powder over your complexion for a healthy, natural looking "tan" year-round. No tanning bed necessary! Complete with soft, natural-bristle cheek brush. It's pure colour - no sparkle and no shine!".
How it Works? -
Hoola is a mid toned brown this is matt, it's great for contouring and adding colour to you face to well make you look more alive. I have very pale skin (I'm within a NW15 - NW20 for Mac foundation) and it is a great colour for me, my sister also uses this and she is a NC35 in Mac foundation. So it really is great for all skin tones.
Packaging -
The packaging for all benefit products are well amazing, the design team at benefit are defiantly very imaginative and they do such a great job making each product stand out on there own and the actual product is shown through the packaging just the way Hoola is.
Price -
This is £23.50 from Benefit Cosmetics.
Overall Opinion -
Overall I love this product it's great for doing a bit of contouring and adding colour to your face. It is more on the pricey side but the box powders last forever quite literally! The first box powder I had has lasted me for more than two years and there is still some left even though I use it all the time! I defiantly recommend buying them as they are like an investment. I also like the boxed powders because they has amazing pigmentation, lasting power and look great both on your skin and the packaging is gorgeous. That's also why I love Benefit so much there products are great and they look great.
I hope you enjoyed this review, if you would like me to review another product that you have seen featured in my blog just let me know in the comments.
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