Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Year Resolutions & My Personal Aims For 2014


Happy New Year!!! It's 2014, can you believe it? I'm not going to say it's went so fast because at times it didn't feel like time was moving and at other times I felt like I had to remind myself to think and breath because I was doing so much! You either love to set goals and resolutions on new years or you hate it. If you hate them then that's your opinion but personally I think there great if you don't set them too ambitious and actually stick to them. I'm generally pretty good at at least trying to stick to them but I've never put a massive amount of thought into mine! This year is defiantly going to be different and here are my personal aims as well as my new year resolutions...

Personal Aims -
1,  Control my anxiety and panic attacks, stop letting them control me and my life.
2, Think POSITIVE thoughts - no need to think negative thoughts.
3, Be more Confident within myself.

4, Stop caring about what people think of me, we are who we are for a reason.
5, Overthinking. I need to stop over-thinking and worrying about everything!

New Year Resolutions -
Beauty & Fashion
Try out new things with my make-up and clothes. Whether its going for a bold lip or wearing a statement piece. I have gotten stuck in my ways a bit and want to venture out of my comfort zone!  
- Look after my hair. For about the last 2 years I have been growing my hair out and it has gotten pretty long. I have however neglected over all - within the last 2 months I have gotten better with using heat protection spray and hair oil but I really want to have healthy good looking hair in the year 2014!
- Be consistent with uploading posts. I have really loved blogging this year I have really found my way and found how I like my posts to look but I have struggled a bit with uploading consistently, I have been aiming to post 3 - 4 times a week which I have been able to do but not every single week. I like to post on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday which I hope to continue in the new year!
- Do more outfit themed posts. To be honest I rarely buy new clothes so I find it hard to do outfit posts as if I was reading an outfit themed post I would want to have the chance of getting that item if I liked it and so I am wanting to treat my self to some nice new clothes in the new year - so hopefully that will come with some posts about them!
- Share my blog. I would like to share my blog, I work really hard on it and would love to share it with more people. I would also like to get involved with #bbloggers chats as I often read them but rarely take part!
- Start my life as a Make-Up Artist. In the middle of January I am starting a pro make-up artistry course that will last eleven weeks and I go once a week. After I am fully qualified and with that I am going to be throwing myself into my career and be the best make-up artist I can be. I really want to get as much experience as I can and not let my nerves get the better of me! 
- Be more social. I have never been the most social person even when I was a little girl, well I've always been really shy and reserved. And in high school I had ... well lets come them a few  situations and that has made it really had for me to socialise and make friends, to say my social life is lacking is an understatement - Really! I really want to make good and honest friends in 2014 that I can truly trust.
- Continue to save money. In the last few months I have been saving every last penny I have for my make-up course that I'll be starting in January and I am actually really proud that I have been able to save what I have. I want to continue to save and stop spending my money on things I really don't need!
- Go on Holiday. I haven't been abroad for at least six years and I really want to go aboard and have a much need break from life! I really want to go to my beloved Toronto Canada but it's so expensive that I know I can't afford it unless I win the lottery (fingers crossed). I would also love to go to Paris, New York and Los Angeles but I'll probably go somewhere like Portugal. We'll just have to wait and see.
-  Continue to Work Out. A the typical New Years Revolution that few people actually stick to but I proudly say that for about I have been working out every morning at about 7:20 till 8am for the last few mornings - now that might be nothing for some people but I really feel different this time around trying to workout. I feel really movatiated and I have been following the Blogiatiles Beggineres Work-Out Calendar and have been trying out loads of Cassey videos which I love because they are easy to follow, she knows what she's talking about and she has a great personality! I have had many occasions the past year when I start to workout it lasts for a few days and then I stop for what ever reason but this time is different I can feel it!
I hope you enjoyed this post, which is a little bit different for me but I really enjoyed doing it and truly think I can stick to my goals. I might even do a few check-in thought the next year to see if I have stuck to my aims and resolutions - which I hope to do! I hope get everything we want out of 2014!
Do you have any New Year Resolutions? If so, I'd love to know them!


  1. Im so rubbish with new year resolutions, I think I am just going to try and be optimistic about the next year as so much is going to change for me so I would generally just like to be a happier person! Happy new year:)!x

    1. That's a really good way of going about it! Thanks, you too! Becki x



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