Towards the end of December I started a new little series I like to call "Inspirational Sundays". This is basically a little segment where I like to share with you my favourite quotes that will normally relate to how I feel at that time or quotes/ sayings that I think might inspire/ motivate you. I am assuming if your still reading this that you'll enjoy reading quotes and sayings and so your probably much like me and can spend countless hours searching places like pinterest and we heart it for nice pictures and quotes. Todays quote I think goes quite well with the new year and what a lot of people have at this time of the year - new outlook. Feeling like if you put your mind to something then you can achieve it and really setting goals to try and reach your dream.
"Go Confidently in the Direction of Your Dreams live the life you've imagined" - I think this is so true sometimes you get stick in day to day life and get forget about the big picture and get caught up with the small things. It's normal to get caught up with the small trivial things that at the time seem like the biggest deal - but remember that they not and we just have to brush them off and keep moving.
This time last year I plucked up the courage to leave a job that I was amazing at but hated it and knew it wasn't were I wanted to go! So I quit everybody there hated working there even if they liked the profession and always said that they were going to leave but months and months past and nobody ever did. Since I actually live minutes away from my old workplace (convent at the time know just very annoying!) I walked across on my day of and handed my notice in - I have never felt so happy and confident and walked out with my head held high in fact I looked like the Cheshire Cat with a grin from ear to ear. Basically what I'm trying to say if don't just keeping going with something you don't like, go in the direction that makes you happy and makes your dreams life.
I hope you enjoyed this post and it was somewhat helpful. I hope we all can turn our dreams into reality even if it's not today but with time and hard work our dreams with come true we just have to - go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you've imagined.
Are you living/ trying to live your dreams?
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