Sunday, 8 December 2013

Inspirational Sundays #1

Sometimes we have a moments in life and we are unsure how to feel or what to do, I often feel like this and find that looking at quotes on Pinterest or We Heart It help and put things back into perspective. I am going to start doing posts called Inspirational Sundays, probably not every Sunday but I'll defiantly keep up with doing them. I am really doing these posts to share my favourite quotes and maybe they'll help you. If you want to look at more of my favourite quotes or images then my Pinterest is linked in the sidebar.

This couldn't be more right, I don't know about you but I over think everything. I often make myself really anxious just with things I think and then when it doesn't happen I feel rather stupid. I've always been an anxious person and when I have time to think about something that's going to happen I tend to just think about what could/ most likely will happen and this made me realise that I rarely think about what could go right. It's really important for me to not think into thinks and if I am then I have to look at the positives instead of the negatives.

I hoped you enjoyed, I would love to know if your like me and think about what might go wrong and what could go right. If you'd like to chat you can comment below as I always reply to comments or you can tweet me at @BowsBeautyB.

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