Normally at this time of year I feel Festive and looking forward to Christmas but this year I am feeling as feastive as ever and really am counting the days down to all the exciting events this month. So since I'm feeling so festive I thought I would translate it to my nails! What I have done is very similar to what I did last year. I have been practicing nail art a little bit more and this just makes me feel happy when I look at my nails. This is however surprisingly simple once you get the hang of it. I've done something different on each nail so if one of the designs are to complex you could always pick one of the more simpler designs and do that on all your nails! So let's get cracking...
First I'm going to start with clean nails and I'm going to file them into the shape I want, I have done my a bit shorter than usual because I stuggle to get my contact lens out with longer nails! I then apply a base coat to protect my nails and this will also make my nails stronger and make the nail polish go on better. The base coat I'm using is Revlon - Multi-Care Base Coat and Top Coat.
For most of us a Christmas Tree is quite important and well most defiantly decorate our living rooms and bedrooms with Christmas trees so I had to do a Tree. You could do this in lots of different ways like actually draw the tree on your nail but I decided to do the simple version as I did do my nails when I was tight for time!
I used OPI - Did it on 'Em from the Nicki Minaj collection as my base colour. This is the only true green I have as its not really a colour I would normally wear I did have a look in boots for a Christmas tree green but there was none! I the. Used Barry M - Gold Glitter as tinsel (using the brush it comes with) and then I used a dotting tool to put red bobles on with China Glaze - Red Satin.
Snowman -
As little kids we've all proberly made a snowman that you'll always rembember and if you can bear the cold and can be bothered spending time making one. It can be a fun snow day activity. I started my snow man with a few coats of Maybelline - Winter Baby (good name for this time of year!) this is quite sheer so I used about 3-4 coats to et it opaque. For his buttons I used a small dotting tool with Barry M - Black and for his scarf I used OPI - Did it on 'Em and China Glaze - Red Satin this a dotting tool but it was straight and pointed which was perfect for creating stripes!
Santa -
For Santa you have to start with his red coat - I used China Glaze - Red Satin. For his belt and buttons on his coat I used Barry M - Black and a dotting tool, and for the fluffy trimming I used Maybelline - Winter Baby, again I used quite a few coat not just because I kept smuging it! Seriously I smudged it about four times! For the finishing touch on his belt I used Barry M - Gold Glitter.
Rudolph the Red Nosed Raindeer -
We all know Rudolph is the most famous Raindeer of all, so I had to represent him! This is actually really easy even though I messed his month up - I have a large dog that things it the size of a chliis and likes to sit on your knee even though she's bigger than my knee! For the base Leighton Denny's - Supermodel is the perfect colour! For his red nose I used China Glaze - Red Satin and for his wanky mouth I used Barry M - Black.
Snowing -
We all secretly hope for a white Christmas even though it makes life generally very difficult. But it's just Christmas if you can get some where easily right?!? For the dark nights sky I uses Elf - Dark Navy and for the falling snow I used a dotting tool and Maybellines - Winter Baby.
Once there done I would wait about five - ten minutes for them to dry by themselves as your top coat can smoge them a bit. Once you think there mostly dry then go over with a top coat. My favourite is Seche Vite - Fast Drying Top Coat which I finally dry after. About a minute of putting the top coat on.
To go along with my Christmas series Counting Till Christmas is is currently 3 weeks or 21 sleeps until Christmas! It does sound quite far away but these posts will fly by and before we know it I'll be posting my what I got for Christmas and it will be over! I hope you enjoyed this festive themed post! Also sorry that this is being posted on Thursday instead of Wednesday I had trouble with my internet last night and today we have a full blown storm! Fingers crossed my power doesn't go out!
Are you in the festive sprits?
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