Wednesday, 23 January 2013

♥ Furry Friends TAG - Part 1 ♥

Hello... Today I am going to do a Tag that is a bit different but something I think you will all enjoy! I am doing a tag about my furry friends which happen to be my dogs, I have two dogs and so I will do this in two parts! Any before I start blabbing on I will get into the questions ... stay tuned for cute doggy pictures!

1. What is your pets name?
2. What kind of pet is it and what breed?
Black Labadour,

3. How long have you had your pet friend?
4years 7months,

4. How did you get your pet?
From a good quality breeder, we ordinary had her sister (we named her Keira) but she has a heart murmur so it was thought she would need extensive medical intervention within the next few years and she would need someone their for her 24/7 which we would find hard to do. We let the breeder know incase any of the other pups had it aswell, she said she would happily take Keira back and she would keep her and take care of her as she also has kennels and so she would be their when ever Keira need her and therefore it was better for us to have Lucie.

5. How old is your pet?
4 years 9 months

6. What are some quirky things about your pets personality?
She is quiet but she is very energetic when she wants to be, she loves her bones and teddies as much as she loves her bed. She also loves to just sit in the car and can't go past a car without trying to get in it which makes it difficult to go on long walks!

7. What does your relationship with your pet mean to you?
People that don't have dogs won't understand this or it may seem silly to them but it means alot both my dogs are like my babies and I am very protective of them!

8. What are some of your favorite past times with your pet?
We went on Holiday up north in the country side with my mum, dad, gran, me and my two dogs (Lucie and my doggie Sophie who has since pasted away) We had a massive garden and it was amazing to go on a hoiladay and not have to worry about your doggies being safe!

9. What are nicknames that you call your pet?
Lucie-Loo, Wosie (she is a scardy cat!)

*Lucie is a bit blad, she is allergic to 8 types of dust mites! Not 1 but 8! *

I hope you enjoyed, it was a bit different but change can sometimes be good! I will have part two up soon where you will be my "puppy" dog Macy, I will put a preview photo down below. I you like this change and I would if you would be this if you have a pet! Or you can comment below what your pets name is and if you don't have any pets comment below to tell me what you would love!

Thanks for reading!


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